损伤报告 & 工人的补偿

所有 员工 受伤情况应报告给企业风险管理部门 立即 按照以下步骤操作. Workers’ compensation ("WC") is the University's exclusive response to medical costs for work-related injuries. 

非雇员 injuries can be reported to 企业风险管理 in a timely manner 按照以下步骤操作. 

Other common search terms for workers' compensation: worker's compensation, 工人的薪酬, 工人的补偿, 工人的补偿.

雇员受伤报告(英文) 员工工伤报告(载荷适配器ñol) 



所有员工受伤必须报告. 员工必须:

  1. 签署一份 WC医疗服务提供者名单 (能用的en 载荷适配器ñol).
  2. 完成 员工工伤报告表 (能用的en 载荷适配器ñol).
  3. 提交 24小时内 发生的伤害.

就医是可选的, but if an 员工 is going to seek medical treatment 和 wants it covered by workers' compensation insurance, 员工必须去列出的供应商 WC医疗服务提供者名单.

请参阅 员工程序 (能用的en 载荷适配器ñol).


所有员工受伤必须报告. 监管者必须:

  1. 给受伤的员工 WC医疗服务提供者名单 在受伤的时候除非是危及生命/严重的伤害. (列表中 西班牙语.)
  2. Conduct a thorough investigation to determine if injury could have been prevented, 如果需要额外的培训, 等.
  3. 请填写 主管的报告.
  4. 提交员工受伤报告, 主管报告, 以及一份WC医疗服务提供者名单的签名副本 risk@hwanfei.com 24小时内 发生的伤害.

请参阅 主管程序.


The 新MG线上电子游戏’s workers’ compensation insurance covers DU students for work-related injuries sustained while working in 无薪实习职位,除了在俄亥俄州,ND, WA和WY.

带薪实习, 在俄亥俄州实习, ND, WA, 或王寅, 不包括在DU的工伤赔偿保险内, 和 students should talk to their agency prior to accepting the internships to see if they are covered by their agency's workers' compensation insurance.

所有 injuries that occur while completing fieldwork should be reported. 就医是可选的, 但是如果你 want your medical treatment to be covered by workers' compensation insurance, 您必须在经批准的医疗机构寻求治疗. DU认可的医疗服务提供者列在e WC医疗服务提供者名单.


  1. 审查 & 签署一份 WC医疗服务提供者名单 (学生评论 & 迹象).
  2. 完成 员工工伤报告表 (学生填写).
  3. 你的实习主管需要填写一份 主管的报告 (机构主管填写).
  4. 将这三份表格提交给 risk@hwanfei.com 24小时内 发生的伤害.
  5. Notify your DU supervisor or director so that they are also aware of the injury.

请参阅 员工程序.

杜学生在工作时受伤 带薪实习 所有的实习 哦,ND, WA,或者WY: If you are covered by your agency's workers' compensation insurance, 你必须遵循他们的报告程序. Paid internship positions (excluding off-campus work-study positions) are not covered by DU’s workers’ compensation insurance; however, you do still need to report your injury to DU by notifying your DU supervisor or director 和 risk@hwanfei.com.


任何非员工的伤害都可以使用 非雇员工伤报告表格. 不需要报告非雇员的伤害, but timely reporting can be helpful if any concerns need to be addressed.

请填写 非雇员工伤报告表格 然后提交给 risk@hwanfei.com. 如果你有照片,也请附上你的邮件. 



